Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hill Repeats

The Tripower Norfolk Annex has little-known good riding on Sundays. No traffic industrial neighborhoods means hill repeats on Berkley Bridge (#1) to Indian River Bridge (#2) to Campostella Bridge (#3). I tagged along with the girls who are fresh off their race season debut last weekend. Crazy fatigue set in after 3 loops so we took a break with a spin out to the Sparrow to Rokeby to Lillac loop. Then it was back to the bridges. Read more.


Anonymous said...

it`s better in opposite direction, that way no stopping for intersections, all right handers....that was my old loop...

Liz Schleeper said...

True about the rights, but then you don't get the north wind pushing down Campostella.

Kevin said...

what time ya'll be hittin that? Que hora es?

Marco said...

They'll let anyone in here!

Liz, I would love to do that ride with you all...when is the next one scheduled?

Liz Schleeper said...

Hey, I will let you guys know. It's a hit-or-miss thing. Since DDTT is this wkend and JC next wkend, prob not for couple more wks.

chris d said...

D-Bo is right about the direction and the map shows the route crossing the Norfolk Southern rail bridge. If anybody isn't doing the TT on Sunday and wants to come ride in Norfolk we could do this loop. Let me know.